Money Coachingsupport your future

Let’s fix your finances

Transitions are tricky.

You are aware that you need to make a change but are having a hard time in creating a supportive environment to nurture the change.

You need to get a grasp of your financial picture and create a new system that supports your future vision. You are unsure where to start and how to unpack it all.

Money Coaching is a good beginning point.

Month One: We begin with a month of discovery as we learn more about you and your goals.

Month Two: We will work on your money mindset, financial self-care and gain a clear picture of your current financial situation.

Month Three: We will explore ways to create a financial infrastructure to support your financial goals.

You can choose to continue coaching monthly thereafter if you should decide you need additional support and guidance.

Pricing is a sliding scale and is based on gross income.

the benefits of having a Money Karma™ Wealth Coach:


Creates the space to rethink what wealth is & what is important to you


Assistance in setting up a personal financial infrastructure


Guidance on major financial decisions


Gets you clear on what you want and where you want to go


Coaching to encourage healthy financial habits


An objective observer who can point out blind spots


Motivation and accountability to stay the course & reach goals


Access to financial tools and resources


Expertise, Insight, and Confidentiality

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