Holding Yourself To Safety

Holding Yourself To Safety Have you ever faced your fears and confronted what lies beneath them? I did recently, and it caused me to have a panic attack. I was in a changing room getting ready for some medical tests and I felt my body shaking and tears pouring out of...

Opening the Portal to Your Own Abundance

Opening the Portal To your OWn Abundance The universe is made up of energy. Seen and unseen. This omnipresent force transforms and transmutes. It is a pulse that radiates energy that has the potential to shift and influence its surroundings. Think of the last time...

Money Problems or Money Trauma?

Money Problems or Money trauma Do you use work to escape pain or use money to prioritize other people’s comfort over you own? Believe it or not, these are all signs of money trauma.   These behaviors over time lead to money disorders that can create havoc in your...

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